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How To Write An Optimized PR For A Crypto Project

Published/Last edited on February 15, 2023
How To Write An Optimized PR For A Crypto Project

Before search engines, internet keyword metrics and crypto marketing were ever a thing, writing and content creation was simpler, but also difficult to gauge in terms of its effectiveness and specific results. Marketing was mostly about using the best colors and ‘hot words’ in order to trigger the proper emotions from the potential customer.

The reader, viewer and/or listener, may happen to catch the commercial, billboard, newspaper or magazine ad, but finding out what works had to be discovered through extensive trial and error. This was reality for marketers before digitally published press releases, and much less optimized PRs!

What Does It Mean To Optimize a Press Release?

When we hear the term ‘optimize’, it means the same thing whether we are referring to preparing a crypto press release distribution, or the fuel utility of a 2017 Toyota Camry. Optimization is the act of taking something and rendering it more efficient. In order to optimize anything, it is most important that you first understand it in its current form. In the case of what it means to optimize a PR for a cryptocurrency project, it’s simple  but not easy.

Optimizing a crypto project’s PR, or any piece of content for that matter, requires skill, as it is a science albeit not exact. It requires the content creator to comprehend the project, the audience which the project is aimed to speak to and connect with, and having the clear knowledge of specific keywords that members of the target audience are using most in their internet search efforts. When these elements are compiled, the crypto copywriter can look to implement strategic content optimization measures which provide measurable results.

How The Internet And Social Media Platforms Brought In Digital Marketing

The static internet as a stream of info from the net to the users caught on through the 90’s. That was followed by the second phase or iteration of the internet which enabled interaction in the 2000’s. This is where social media platforms began to develop and launch. It was at this point that digital marketing began to take form, ultimately becoming an extremely busy sub-industry of the collective marketing sector.

Digital marketing is the science of targeting users in order to effectively advertise on a digital platform. Such platforms can be, but are not limited to social media. Facebook is an example of a media company with multiple interconnected social media platforms which enable digital advertisers since the company’s true specialty lies in compiling and organizing users’ data for intended marketing purposes. While it is possible, it requires strict regulatory compliance and an applicable business registration to be permitted to run a crypto social media marketing campaign of Facebook or other mainstream social platforms.

A Digital Market Requires Digital Marketing…Optimized

Once a social networking company collects and categorizes users’ data to develop sophisticated profiles, the information is then monetized by the platform charging marketing professionals for access to the data and the users to which the data is linked. These marketers do so in order to create specialized groups referred to as target audiences. A target audience is made up of users’ unique likes, dislikes, interests and demographics.

The rapidly expanding digital environment brought about the need for professional marketing agencies to fully engage within the digital advertising space, and ultimately begin to optimize all marketing content. Over the years more detailed and extravagant categorizing gave digital marketers the ability to create even more refined audiences to target. Even such nuances as the time of day in which messages and advertisements are seen for example, have become more readily available for marketing professionals to leverage.

The Science Of Writing An Optimized Crypto PR

226a How To Write An Optimized PR For A Crypto Project

A crypto PR, or press release spelled out, is one of the most fundamental methods of releasing business information and advertised information to the public. PRs should be formatted to ensure the target audience is reached.

The way to make sure that this happens is by first researching before embarking on writing the actual crypto PR. That means simple, yet dramatically important processes such as adequate keyword research, must be done for crypto SEO work to be effective and stand a chance at achieving quality results.

Why Keyword Research Matters When Optimizing Crypto PR

The first step after doing the internal work of refining the company and crypto project’s business mission, model and messaging is gathering a clear understanding of who it appeals to. This will help the business to clearly map out the ideal end user who is already looking for whatever the company is presenting to its potential customer base.

This is where keyword research comes in. Once the target audience has been determined, the crypto marketing team which hopefully includes an experienced crypto copywriter, can identify the words which should be included in the pr language. There are software programs online which professional marketers use to identify the top keywords related to any industry, and deeper aspects of the specific audience in mind.

Where Should The Crypto PR Be Published?

There are literally thousands of crypto and blockchain content publishers active in the market today. The digital space is large, and growing even larger on a daily basis. New business models are being created and launched all the time. Once the target audience is understood and keywords are refined, the relevant platforms where specific audience members frequent can be determined and reached by the professional marketing team.

Once a marketer establishes contact with the platforms that are most likely to be a bridge to their ideal audiences, the publishing protocol will be shared. The publisher will present the marketer and their client with the formatting and other technical requirements, including rules around acceptable graphics, how the article will appear, permissible linking, and an acceptable word count range.

Don’t Forget About Content Density For Your Crypto PR

Content density can be easy to overlook. Not all digital platforms are created equal in this regard. Some digital platforms attract readers who are used to typically short, concise PR content, while others may attract readers who look for longer, more technical press releases to read and review.

Before sitting to write the crypto PR, another preparatory step would be to comprehend not only the keywords as mentioned above, and the relevant publishers to use, but also the required, or suggested word count range for the crypto PR.

The Development Of An Optimized Cryptocurrency PR

Once background understanding of the cryptocurrency project, target audience, ideal publishers, keywords and other targeting elements are all gathered, the cryptocurrency marketers can begin crafting a PR. At this point the job should be much clearer, with specific guidelines clearly mapped out in order to deploy a meticulously curated PR. The language mastery and creativity of the copywriter united with a carefully planned press release is the most effective way to ensure worthwhile results are realized for the client.

At this point, the skill of the copywriter and the crypto marketing team takes center stage and the PR can be developed accordingly. With the proper voice, style of language and writing, the pro crypto marketer can bring the keywords and other suggested elements of the PR to life in a harmonious, well-thought out piece of crypto marketing genius. At least that hopefully, for the sake of the paying client.

It Doesn’t Happen Overnight

Any digital marketer knows that published content in the digital plane takes time to chart and gain adequate exposure oftentimes. In the case of PRs though, it often comes down to the platform on which the content is published, where it is published on that platform specifically, and how relevant the content is to the majority of the site’s traffic.

Since PRs are often time sensitive, the chosen publishers are often important when considering the desired degree of exposure to the information shared in the release. Whether a PR, or web content though, time should be used in the favor of the marketer as often as possible.

Try not to wait until the last minute to publish announcements, especially those with deadlines and time constraints. Also, try publishing content in waves, so multiple releases may be published to create anticipation around the information and the detailed information of the press release.

Crypto Public Relations And Supporting Your Efforts

In order to do a thorough job from front to back, a detailed crypto public relations strategy is best. Once the cryptocurrency press release is produced and disseminated, the work is only still beginning. At that point, the press release should be promoted by the internal team as well. The best way to accomplish that would be determined at a time prior to the release of the PR. A strategy for supporting all content dissemination would be clearly decided on by any professional crypto marketing agency or team well in advance of going to publish.

Is the business or project properly registered to run crypto ads on Google? If so, perhaps a PPC Google and/or social media campaign is decided upon depending on the nature and magnitude of the news released in the PR. Perhaps the main publisher has other partner platforms or news media outlets where the news will also be disseminated. Perhaps the crypto project has a supportive community already that needs to be informed of the PR’s release and incentivized to share through a campaign or contest of some sort. This is where public relations and an overall crypto marketing strategy give the optimized PR wings so to say.

What About Influencer Marketing?

Social media influencers are heavily used in crypto and blockchain marketing these days. Influencers do the work of building rapport with their followers and audiences. An influencer’s audience looks to them as a go-to expert or authority in a certain field or subject matter.

Quality crypto influencers have the ability to give a crypto project almost instant credibility because the influencer is expected to vet information and present it to his/her community only if they believe it to be a potentially good thing for them. This is because one of the greatest risks to any social media crypto influencer is being called out for presenting potentially harmful misinformation to the subscribers. It’s like calling a Bitcoin bull run the day before BTC drops 8% suddenly in value. No influencer wants to have to endure that.

So doing your research to identify the best influencers for your project is important. Adequate research could go a long way to help the efforts and results of a properly optimized PR campaign while it circulates. Bitcoin, Ethereum, and any of the thousands of serious cryptocurrencies and blockchain projects leverage all available means to deploy multi-strategy marketing campaigns and get the most out of them all.

Bringing It All Together: The Need For Optimization When Marketing Cryptocurrency Projects

The reasoning behind why it is vital to effectively optimize a crypto project’s PR should now be clear. It should be clearer now how optimization offers benefits to a blockchain project looking to secure larger potential audiences. To reiterate, optimization enables crypto marketing professionals to direct promotional messaging towards individuals or businesses who are already actively looking for blockchain and crypto related information. Thanks to optimization specific categories of people can be targeted by blockchain and crypto projects.

Instead of showing an advertisement to millions of people who may not be searching for crypto projects or blockchain information for example, optimization allows the cryptocurrency marketing entity to be specific with their desired target audience. As long as the company or business engaged in marketing meets the standards of the platform on which the advertisements are being deployed, advertisers are given the opportunity to optimize their ads and automate dissemination.

Unfolding Into The Future

The ability to compile ideal audiences has led to crypto and blockchain marketers rigorously drafting keyword reports and other targeting standards to perfect leveraged marketing efforts. The Google platform alone has over 100 different metrics available on its Google Analytics suite, one of the main reasons so many blockchain and crypto marketing professionals seek to advertise on platforms like Google and Facebook.

We have progressed into the days in which crypto and blockchain projects seek ROI. Business professionals have become more knowledgeable as all populations have with the progression of the information age. Now that more refined metrics are available to evaluate the results of digital marketing campaigns, the future of marketing for crypto and blockchain projects only seems to be growing brighter for marketing professionals, businesses and the intended audiences!


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We needed a partner that could extend our content production and SEO capabilities, while providing high quality content in a fast and accurate manner. Coinpresso constantly go the extra mile to deliver, and as a result we have renewed with them a few times - expanding the scope with each renewal. We see up to 40k unique pageviews weekly from their content, and most pages instantly go in on Page 1 and are considered high quality by Binance in-house content team.
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The Coinpresso team have been absolutely fundamental to the success of Jurat. The token immediately did a 6x on launch, and has now stabilized at around 3x with very little sell pressure. The Coinpresso way focuses on organic and white-hat marketing methods, something that is extremely refreshing amongst the shady vertical of crypto marketing. Would highly recommend and have just recontracted ourselves as a result.
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Liam & his team have brought great vibes and high quality marketing to Etherland. At the end it's win-win game for both parties, you as team members and us as community, all respect and love here. Thanks Coinpresso <3."

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Liam is a skilled SEO technician and he has proven time and time again he can get a website on Page 1 of Google. An expert within an industry of cowboys.”
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Coinpresso are a fantastic team that do the business every single time. Their content is the best in the space, and their knowledge of search is unrivaled within Crypto. Would definitely recommend to other projects.”
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The Coinpresso team has been instrumental in helping us take our proposition to audiences we were unable to reach ourselves, with a crypto marketing strategy that left no stone unturned..."
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