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What is Evergreen Content in the Crypto Niche?

Published/Last edited on September 25, 2024

What is Evergreen Content in the Crypto Niche

In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency, the shelf-life of content can be very short as X feeds, Medium channels, and Mirror accounts are constantly updated. This “freshness” can be great for engaging with audiences on social media, but for a Web3 project to build its search engine traffic over time, it needs to invest in evergreen content as part of its Web3 content marketing efforts.

What do we mean by evergreen crypto content? We’ll examine that and give examples in this article. 

Understanding Evergreen Content

By evergreen content, we mean content that is relevant for a long time—ideally permanently—compared to that that goes out of date quickly. Due to the complex nature of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency niches, evergreen content can provide lasting value, is highly shareable by nature, and helps to educate and persuade audiences.

The Nature of Evergreen Content in Crypto

Despite the ever-changing nature of the cryptocurrency industry, there are multiple fundamental topics that can be examined in evergreen content, such as blockchains, NFTs, wallets, security, and more.

Crypto projects can take the same fundamental questions such as “What is Web3” and provide unique answers to these questions in fun, creative, and engaging ways.

There are newcomers to the space every day, so making sure to cover the blockchain basics is a sensible idea for any project whether they’re looking to onboard users from Web2 or not. 

Examples of Evergreen Crypto Content

Evergreen content can take many forms, including pinned social media posts, static webpages, key blogs, and even video content. What’s more important is the content's topics than the medium or channel on which it is posted. 

Learning the types of evergreen content can inform your strategy
Learning the types of evergreen content can inform your strategy.

The following topics are great examples of useful evergreen content. 

How-to guides:

Anything that can help successfully onboard a user to a project, such as a wallet connection guide, how to add a new network to Metamask, or how to keep a wallet seed phrase safe, will always provide value.


Lists are extremely useful and often the first port of call for newcomers to crypto who might be looking for the top 5 hardware wallets or top 10 ERC-20 tokens. Even lists of the best publishers of educational crypto-related content can be educational and informative. 

Explainer articles: 

Some topics need a bit of a deeper dive, like the burgeoning Ethereum Layer 2 ecosystem, or the complex tokenomics of some projects. Taking the time to explain complicated topics in easy-to-understand language can result in visitors returning to your content time and again.    

Case studies:

Proving the value that crypto can provide to users is an excellent way to overcome hesitancy and skepticism around blockchain. Publishing detailed case studies about how users of a project have, for instance, unlocked a passive income and achieved financial independence is especially timely and relevant in our current economic environment of rising costs and high inflation. 


For certain crypto projects such as DeFi protocols, detailed tutorials are excellent forms of evergreen content. A tutorial can and should include easy-to-follow instructions beyond just connecting a wallet, and providing more guidance on making deposits into vaults, for example.

These are just some examples of effective types of evergreen content and don’t forget, you can update the content you create over time as part of your SEO strategy, so your content stays evergreen forever! 

Why Evergreen Content is Critical for Crypto Businesses

As the cryptocurrency industry grows and new projects launch every day, evergreen content can keep users coming back to you. There are numerous benefits to this strategy, including:

  • Relevance: your content must answer the burning questions that your audience asks over and over again. What are they searching for? What do they need to benefit from your project? Create content that answers these questions.
  • SEO Benefits: content that accurately answers searcher’s questions is much more likely to rank highly in search engines and deliver high-quality web traffic to your project’s site through crypto SEO.
  • Educational Value: even those of us who work in the space constantly learn and must continually educate ourselves about crypto. Content with educational value performs well with crypto audiences. 
  • Community Building: a successful blog will often form a community around it through email subscribers and social media followers, building a loyal and engaged audience over time through crypto community management
  • Backlinks and Referrals: the best evergreen content in the crypto space is likely to be referred to again and again, resulting in backlinks from other sites to your own. This sends ranking signals to search engines and can drive your content higher up the result pages.
  • Cost-Effective: Once you’ve invested in the initial creation of evergreen content, it is likely to provide value for years after its creation and can be tied to a direct return on investment (ROI).

A key part of a successful evergreen content strategy must be understanding some basic best practices. 

Best Practices for Creating Evergreen Crypto Content

For any type of content to be successful, the creators should do the following:

  1. Conduct thorough research - before creating any content, it’s vital to understand through data such as search volumes which topics your audience is interested in.
  2. Know your competition - keep abreast of what similar projects in your space are publishing and how their content is performing. 
  3. Know your audience - one great way to influence your content strategy is to seek feedback from and understand your audience. You can ask them what kind of content they want to see in a poll on X, and judge previous engagement with your content. 
  4. Use tools - there are numerous tools that can help inform your content plans, from social listening to keyword tracking and more. 
  5. Get some help - Web3 and crypto project founders are not always marketing experts and should consider partnering with Web3 marketing agencies to get the best possible results from their efforts. 
  6. Use a strong call to action - while content should be educational first and foremost, strong educational content can be persuasive, and where relevant should ask readers to do something like: sign up for emails, join a Telegram group or Discord channel or where applicable participate in a presale or mint an NFT.

How to Optimize Evergreen Crypto Content for SEO

Once you’ve created evergreen content, it’s time to optimize it as part of your cryptocurrency SEO strategy. 

Search Engine Optimization is vital for crypto projects because it can provide high-quality, qualified traffic over time for no additional advertising costs. 

On-page content optimization is a must for your content marketing efforts, so make sure that all content has the following attributes: 

Interlinked - where relevant, link to other pages on your site that add value to the content. 

Uses keywords - in the main heading and subheadings, occasionally in the content itself.

Up to date - uses the latest information. 

Answers questions - ideally related to search terms.

Well-formatted and easy to read - not just a wall of text. Consider breaking it up with headings and subheadings, lists, images, and more. 

Your long-term content should be considered separate from your topical, news-style content and optimized with the tactics and strategies outlined in this article. 


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We needed a partner that could extend our content production and SEO capabilities, while providing high quality content in a fast and accurate manner. Coinpresso constantly go the extra mile to deliver, and as a result we have renewed with them a few times - expanding the scope with each renewal. We see up to 40k unique pageviews weekly from their content, and most pages instantly go in on Page 1 and are considered high quality by Binance in-house content team.
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SEO Specialist - Binance
The Coinpresso team have been absolutely fundamental to the success of Jurat. The token immediately did a 6x on launch, and has now stabilized at around 3x with very little sell pressure. The Coinpresso way focuses on organic and white-hat marketing methods, something that is extremely refreshing amongst the shady vertical of crypto marketing. Would highly recommend and have just recontracted ourselves as a result.
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Mike Kanovitz - Jurat Blockchains / Loevy & Loevy

Liam & his team have brought great vibes and high quality marketing to Etherland. At the end it's win-win game for both parties, you as team members and us as community, all respect and love here. Thanks Coinpresso <3."

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Henos - Etherland Community OG
Liam is a skilled SEO technician and he has proven time and time again he can get a website on Page 1 of Google. An expert within an industry of cowboys.”
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Bernard L - Tech Recruitments Business
Coinpresso are a fantastic team that do the business every single time. Their content is the best in the space, and their knowledge of search is unrivaled within Crypto. Would definitely recommend to other projects.”
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The Coinpresso team has been instrumental in helping us take our proposition to audiences we were unable to reach ourselves, with a crypto marketing strategy that left no stone unturned..."
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